Saturday, September 29, 2012

Kickstarter Project

Creativity Knits: Artful Knitting Tools

Creativity Knits is my project on A few days ago you saw the prerelease of needles with fiber embellished ends, in preparation for this very project. I plan to make a line of luxury, artful knitting needles, with only the best in materials and embellishment. These needles will be stained with a specially purposed stain to maintain their smooth texture. Next, there will be some painted decoration near the knob, and finally, the knob end will be fabulous-think rhinestones, metallics, vintage items, and jewel tones. Everything glam!

I am so excited about this project and the potential to really be able to go all out on this First Fifty sets of knitting needles. It is a concept that has been knocking around in my head for many years, at least 7, and I can't wait to make my dream a reality. The final needles will be photographed artfully, for a second set of "art" from them, and then sold in my Etsy Store and possibly another online sales storefront.

Bringing knitting tools to the art side. That's what this is about!

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