Sunday, September 30, 2012

Creativity Series: Effect of Art

The sad truth is, we cannot control the effect our art has on people. The attempt to control that effect is the "art" we are all trying to hone. For example, I don't know an artist who could say they know precisely how a piece will "go off" when first displayed. Sometimes something doesn't turn out the way it was originally envisioned. In fact, I would say most of the time this is the case. Edits are made at every stage in the process, from planning to execution and every step in between.

I will not attempt to broach such a large subject here, I could write a book on the effects of color, texture, shape and scale. But, I will say-don't be deterred! If the first edition of a particular concept doesn't convey what you are attempting, then try again. If the color you mix is not quite right, then mix it again!

It is hard to see a work that I have put time and effort into become garbage, but sometimes cleaning out the closet is what is needed to spark new creativity.

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