Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Drawings So Far

Well, I'm making an effort to draw each day, but unfortunately it isn't always working. In fact, its working less than half the time. But, I will continue to draw. I look forward to finishing this sketch book, 70 pages, there is always such a sense of accomplishment at filling a sketchbook. Without further ado, here are my drawings!
My first drawing in years. The chair across the living foom from where I was sitting :) I love the texture the shading gives, and have decided to run with that for a little while.

Ho Hum, a cylinder and a box. Not drawn from life, mostly, though I did look at a candle on the ottoman. The whitespace here is interesting.

This is the self portraite I wrote about earlier. It is still disturbing to me. The lower photo is of the drawing it came from. Interestingly, I think the facial features are captured in the drawing, but some of the proportions are off, so it doesn't look human really.

A couple of easy drawings, just doodling around. Again, the whitespace in the chair knob is interesting. In my drawing experience I tend to not leave any whitespace, but cover it all, regardless of the lighting. This is a much better technique.

Now, I shall knit.

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