Saturday, November 10, 2012

Nexus 7

I've been neglecting this but wanted to write a status post right quick.

My project for KnitEdge is going well, I have a huge and cryptic spreadsheet going and have started the first piece in the set. I m so excited o be doing this project!

I also received a wonderful gift from my boyfriend. A Nexus 7 tablet. I am loving it, and am posting from it now. Yay for technology!

NaNoWriMo is going, i'm about 4000 words behind the times, but my goal is more to finish the book than 50k words, though if both happen that would be nice. I've been to a couple of write ins so far, and plan to go to more.

Hmmmm What else am I working on? I did quite a lot on Frost Thread last week, and it is going swimmingly. Really beautiful!

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