Friday, March 8, 2013

Lately I haven't really been giving love to my spinning. I was busy doing other things or just never up in my studio. I love spinning really and I was missing it.

So I finally finished spinning this lovely merino silk top from En Ulden Affaere in the colour petroleum. I bought this a while back (aug 2011). I love the colour it is so lovely. I spun it on my Lendrum with a Woolee Winder on the second whorl slot. The plan is to ply it a 2 ply for a shawl. 

I don't usually do the whole amount of fiber at one time when I am spinning, but separate the fiber I have into 1 ounce sections and spin one section at a time, then wind it off onto weaving spools then after I have all of the fiber spun I then will ply them. This gives me "permission" to switch around fibers so that I don't get bored. My spinning tends to be very fine and it can take a while to spin a large amount. Right now I have many different fibers going at once and when I was done with this last ounce I realized that I ran out of spools! Knitking cone winder to the rescue for that last bit and I will hurry and ply that first. 

I love knitting with handspun there is just something about it that is so soothing. From the start this fiber has been destined to be a shawl.

Which shawl would you do with this yarn?

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